A book cover entitled “The Hidden Treasure of Black ASL: Its History and Structure”
The Hidden Treasure of Black ASL: Its History and Structure
Black ASL has long been recognized as a distinct variety of American Sign Language based on abundant anecdotal evidence. The Hidden Treasure of Black ASL, originally published in 2011, presents the first sociohistorical and linguistic study of this language variety.
Image of Black hands holding a heart emoji with the ASL sign for “interpreter” inside the heart.
BIPOC Interpreters PNW
This group is for People of Color interpreters working in the field or pursuing the field of sign language interpreting here in the PNW. [Washington, Oregon, Idaho, British Columbia]
This is intended as a safe place for us to debrief with colleagues, provide support for one another, foster healthy discussion on our unique experiences and figure out how to not only grow together but encourage and support each other.
Black ASL
After her video went viral on TikTok, Netflix asked Charmay to explain BASL (Black American Sign Language) and tell us how it's different from ASL (American Sign Language).