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5th Seattle Deaf Film Festival

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Deaf Spotlight will host the fifth Seattle Deaf Film Festival (SDFF) in Seattle, WA from April 3-5, 2020. We believe in cultivating a vibrant community of emerging and experienced Deaf filmmakers, actors, and producers. During this three-day festival, you will have the opportunity to see various short and feature films by members of the Deaf, DeafBlind, and hard of hearing community!

New in 2020 is the KissFist Film Challenge, which is open to any filmmaker who wants to participate (some exceptions apply; see official rules for more details). If you join the challenge, you'll have 72 hours on President's Day weekend to write, produce, and edit a 3-5 minute film. You can find more details and register on the KissFist pageAre you in?

If you want to participate in the KissFist Film Challenge, but need more filmmaking experience, we will host a filmmaking workshop with MJ Kielbus that teaches basic movie-making skills, January 18-19. There are limited spots available, so register today!